On June 1, 2020
In response to the killing of
George Floyd
George Floyd
President Trump walks across from the White House to visit St. John's Episcopal Church
Click here to see a video of the police using tear gas to get the protesters cleared out so President Trump can walk through Lafayette Square to St. John's
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde is the Bishop of the Diocese of Washington
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Message to the Church
Concerning COVID-19
Bishop Michael Curry:
"We Have To Learn How To Live Together"
Episcopal Bishop Cites Christian Gospel in Criticism of Trump
Rachel Maddow/ MSNBC
Read his statement in full below.
--------------------------This evening, the President of the United States stood in front of St. John’s Episcopal Church, lifted up a bible, and had pictures of himself taken. In so doing, he used a church building and the Holy Bible for partisan political purposes. This was done in a time of deep hurt and pain in our country, and his action did nothing to help us or to heal us.
The bible teaches us that “God is love.” Jesus of Nazareth taught, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” The prophet Micah taught that the Lord requires us to “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.”
The bible the President held up and the church that he stood in front of represent the values of love, of justice, of compassion, and of a way to heal our hurts.
We need our President, and all who hold office, to be moral leaders who help us to be a people and nation living these values. For the sake of George Floyd, for all who have wrongly suffered, and for the sake of us all, we need leaders to help us to be “one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.”
"My God, why have you forsaken me??
Discussion with The Rev. Ed Bacon and Catherine Meeks
on Racial Inequalities
on Racial Inequalities
(The Ed Bacon is the Interim Rector of St. Luke's, Atlanta, and Dr. Catherine Meeks is the Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing, a project of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta)
“My God, why have you forsaken me?” A Time of Lament
Join Dr. Catherine Meeks and the Rev. Ed Bacon for A Time of Lament at 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 1, broadcasting live online from St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in downtown Atlanta.
The video from that discussion is above
We gather to express grief and outrage at the heartbreaking and appalling killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd - and to remember the many innocent African Americans whose lives have been taken because of hatred and racism.
We gather at a time of mourning the loss of 100,000 Americans to COVID-19, a disproportionate number of whom are people of color, and at a time of uncertainty in our national life.
It is difficult to imagine a more salient time for lament.
Dr. Meeks is the executive director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing, a project of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. The Rev. Ed Bacon is the interim rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta
“My God, why have you forsaken me?” A Time of Lament
Join Dr. Catherine Meeks and the Rev. Ed Bacon for A Time of Lament at 7:30 p.m. Monday, June 1, broadcasting live online from St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in downtown Atlanta.
The video from that discussion is above
We gather to express grief and outrage at the heartbreaking and appalling killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd - and to remember the many innocent African Americans whose lives have been taken because of hatred and racism.
We gather at a time of mourning the loss of 100,000 Americans to COVID-19, a disproportionate number of whom are people of color, and at a time of uncertainty in our national life.
It is difficult to imagine a more salient time for lament.
Dr. Meeks is the executive director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing, a project of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. The Rev. Ed Bacon is the interim rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Atlanta
Statement from the Province IV Bishops of The Episcopal Church
Posted Jun 4, 2020
We, the Bishops of The Episcopal Church in Province IV, lead dioceses most of which were historically part of the states of the old Confederacy. As bishops in this region, we are well aware of the historic persistence of racism toward our black sisters and brothers. While such racism is not confined to our southern geography, its history with “Jim Crow” under its various guises over the years reminds us of the profound work left undone by our continued failure to fully address the sins of racism and white supremacy in our country.
Recent events are a shocking reminder of what we have left undone. The white vigilante murder of Ahmaud Arbery in Brunswick, Georgia; the unwarranted killing by police of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky while she was sleeping in her own bed; and now the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota also at the hands of police, scream out to us of our work left undone. Sadly, these racist murders are by no means the only ones, and they were not committed simply by a few bad actors. What we are seeing is the work of a conscious and unconscious system designed to deny dignity and safety to some of God’s children.
The demonstrations across our country indicate that people have had enough. We believe all people of good will and love of neighbor should insist that this behavior by police and white vigilantes end now. Their actions tarnish the reputations of the many wonderful women and men who serve as police officers. We need national leadership who will work to make the changes necessary in our justice system, so such brutality becomes a thing of the past.
We call on all in civil authority to step back from military-style responses to these demonstrations because they only serve to escalate tensions even further. What will reduce those tensions is a commitment by our elected leaders to lasting, tangible changes in law enforcement methods and in the laws governing them. We also invite our clergy and parishioners to recommit themselves to live into the Beloved Community, as Dr. King articulated it. We believe that this is what justice and mercy require as they are reflected in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Province IV Bishops signing (In alphabetical order)
John Bauerschmidt, Bishop, Diocese of Tennessee
Scott Benhase, Bishop & Vice-President, Province IV
Greg Brewer, Bishop, Diocese of Central Florida
Brian Cole, Bishop, Diocese of East Tennessee
Peter Eaton, Bishop, Diocese of Southeast Florida
Russell Kendrick, Bishop, Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
Frank Logue, Bishop, Diocese of Georgia
Jose McLoughlin, Bishop, Diocese of Western North Carolina
Henry Parsley, Visiting Bishop, Diocese of South Carolina
Phoebe Roaf, Bishop, Diocese of West Tennessee
Sam Rodman, Bishop, Diocese of North Carolina
Brian Seage, Bishop, Diocese of Mississippi
Rob Skirving, Bishop, Diocese of East Carolina
Kee Sloan, Bishop, Diocese of Alabama
Dabney Smith, Bishop, Diocese of Southwest Florida
Morris Thompson, Bishop, Diocese of Louisiana
Mark Van Koevering, Bishop, Diocese of Lexington
Andrew Waldo, Bishop, Diocese of Upper South Carolina
Terry White, Bishop, Diocese of Kentucky
Rob Wright, Bishop, Diocese of Atlanta
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